About Us

Hey, I’m Chelsea!

Growing up in Trinidad & Tobago, a tropical Caribbean country full of culture and scenic backdrops meant I had a lot of freedom. I then moved to London, England when I was 7 where life was a bit tougher. The element of freedom was no longer there and it took some getting used to the weather. This made me want to explore the world even more and that’s exactly what I’ve set out to do!

Through traveling I have had so many wonderful experiences. I ate delicious food, met some really cool people, and saw the most amazing places. I wanted to be able to inspire others to travel and make their own experiences along the way, so I and Antonio started this blog!

What’s Up! I’m Antonio

Man sitting on a rock near the edge of a mountain. Travelling

My passion in life has always been centered around camera work, predominantly photography. I Grew up in a less than reputable area in London, so it was easy to have a negative outlook on life and the world. However, I chose a different path. I chose to see the positive side of things and chase my dreams regardless of the situation.

I’d always look at pictures of all these amazing countries on Instagram and think to myself “One day”. My partner taught me that traveling the world isn’t impossible, in fact, it’s not very hard at all. After our first holiday together to Cyprus (one of my home countries), I was hungry for more. Traveling became a passion. Our journey has just started and there are so many places we’re yet to explore. We’d love for you to follow our journey through our blog posts.